Current Vacancies

It takes many skills to run a successful scout group.


We are currently looking for Trustees


Of course we need a team to run each section, but we also need people behind the scenes for a whole variety of support functions.

There are also openings for people with a variety of skills, to be more involved in the social activities and fundraising.
 Please scroll down the page to see all our vacancies

Administrative and Occasional roles:

We have a team of people behind the scenes who help to support & run the group.

How much time? Many of these roles only take a few hours per term, often with peak moments. There are around 6 team (trustee) meetings per year, (often online) for roles on the commitee, but those aren't required for everyone

Experience needed: Depends on the role, but normally very little experience is required. We will make sure someone is available to get you started!


Current needs as below


formerly known as the executive committee

As members of FOS open scouting in addition to British scouting, we need to maintain their database - so a little understanding of Dutch is helpful although with some initial help it is possible for someone not fluent

ensure member lists on Keeo (Fos database) are current

add new people each term (or when they join)

ensure they are mailed about subs ( in coordination with the exec/treasurer)

and that when they have paid us their profile on the Keeo census is updated and a bill sent to the treasurer for payment

• write (or collect input from youth members) a short article about what your section has done • about once a month or at special events • potentially take some appropriate pictures • post to facebook/website- or send to someone else to do so • This is not automatically an executive commitee position- although you would be welcome to join  

We have a team of people who have often held leadership roles in the past, and now occasionally help at camps and events (as and when they can). Their input is valuable to help out leaders on special occasions, or fill in for emergencies, offer first aid cover or similar. They are cleared and have some training, (free) and they’re also insured. Given coordination they can also organise social events for their team. Could you be part of the team which works on our group events, like Light up the Forest, Grand prix, etc.? It would be a real help if we had a number of people to call on for a planning meeting, purchasing, and/or help at an individual event.

We recently appointed a Scout Active support manager to coordinate this team. 

Do you have recognised (British, Belgian or International) qualifications in an adventurous activity for example: sailing/ kayaking/ climbing/hill walking? Would you like to help young people experience this from time to time? Perhaps help supervise when we use an external centre?  

Or enough experience in one of the above so you could do an assessment  and be recognised by scouting?

We can put you in touch with someone to discuss how to further develop this.

Commitment- to help run occasional sessions at mutually agreed times/dates.

OR do you enjoy hiking etc or have experience with the Duke of Edinburgh award scheme or other expedition training  Our explorers are looking for help to support occasional weekend expeditons


We run a number of special events for the whole group every year. Those need extra coordination and planning, and some help before or during events with practical support
It would be great if a number of people could be on the Events team to help out the Group leadership team coordinate the events

You don't need to be available for every event... Here are some of the things we currently run

Start of the year event

Light up the Forest


Grand Prix (cub cars)


We have a new QM, but it is always helpful to have some help, and spread the load

 Stores are located opposite BSB nad/or in Kortenberg

• to help look after our equipment in one or both stores. • minor repairs, ordering spare parts, • Keeping a stock list, and a new purchase list • organising period checks/tidying with volunteers, • helping leaders know what is available before camps (using the exisitng list). • Helping allocate equipment for camps especially district.

• Potentially looking after the equipment budget and shopping for new equipment • The annual equipment budget is agreed with both leaders and exec
• If involved in planning/shopping/finances this is an Exec role and clearances and some (free) online training is required and attendance at the Exec meetings

Your eyes don't have to be dim.. and there are no rats as big as alley cats in our stores!

Roles supporting the weekly meetings.

In every section (Squirrels, Beavers, Cubs, Scouts or Explorers) there is a volunteer team- a mixture of section leaders (SL) and assistant section leaders (ASL) plus sectional assistants (SA) and occasional helpers.
These teams work together to plan & provide the programme and can divide up many of the tasks as wished and cover for absences. The leaders take overall responsibility for the planning and for coordination with parents. We need a minimum of one SL or ASL at every meeting, plus at least one other adult or more depending on numbers. In Squirrels we need at least 3 adults. 

Every scouting activity needs to have someone who has completed mandatory training and appropriate first aid cover.  The mandatory training depends on your role- and the initial modules can be completed quite quickly online (more details- see link to the right for BSO training)  Apart from the initial modules you have 3 years to complete other training. 

These roles assume a regular commitment, but we try to have a large enough team so that we can be flexible, as many of our leaders travel and cannot attend every week.  We don’t often meet during school holiday periods. Outside the weekly meetings, there are a few group leaders’ meetings and sections run occasional residential experiences. Exactly how much time it takes, will depend on the section, the amount of extra meetings and what your exact role is.  Your team should divide the various tasks to ensure no-one is over burdened. Many adult volunteers love scouting and want to stay with us, but we know that circumstances change and as volunteers you are free to step down or change your role at any point...

Because of our mobile population, we are always looking for additional people to help out in sections. Extra hands tend to make the work lighter. We have an appointment process to ensure that we only appoint appropriate people and that the role suits your skills and availability. If you are a parent you can volunteer in your child's section, or if you wish, in another section. When several team members move on at the same time, we may put out an appeal for that section. 

There are a number of different roles you could take, please take a look at the role descriptions below.

You don't need to decide immediately... just like the young people  you can visit the section for a 'Four Week Challenge' and see what goes on and how you would fit in. 
Do feel free to contact us to ask questions. 
nb The adult  application form (see right) is the standard Scout association form, which we can't edit. In the UK info. about ethnicity and faith etc is required for grant applications.. but that isn't the case here, so please feel free to leave those questions as 'prefer not to say' or other.

If you prefer you can fill in a paper form instead. 



The leadership team takes overall responsibility for the planning of the programme and coordination with parents. 

Usually the Section leader is the first point of contact and coordinates the team ensuring that all the necessary tasks are done. But it is fine to share tasks with other members of the team, as time and talents allow.

Usually the team meets together to discuss and plan the programme and different team members take on different tasks. It may be that your Section assistant usually runs the games.. or your ASL does the records. 

All Leaders (SL & ASL) currently commit to a 3 year training programme- most of which is offered online and can be validated locally by activities within your sections. However the scheme is due to change soon, and there will be some mandatory  Getting Started Modules, followed by a range of modules more tailored to your needs

First aid courses are available either online or  face to face and run locally once or twice a year. We may offer other face to face training weekends ,especially for scouting skills, which are great fun, but not mandatory.


Assistant Section leaders work together with the rest of the team, to plan and run meetings.

Sometimes we don't have a section team leader but 2 or more assistants divide the work and run the section between them.

Typically the whole team will meet together to plan the terms programme and responsibilities will be divided. It may be that you're really good at admin and you take on the online badge recording, or that you prefer to run games...

All Leaders (SL & ASL) Currently they commit to a 3 year training programme- most of which is offered online and can be validated locally by activities within your sections.  However the training requirements are changing soon and there will be some mandatory training to get started and then more optional training depending on your role

First aid courses are either partly opnline or face to face and run locally once or twice a year. We may offer other face to face training weekends ,especially for scouting skills, which are great fun, but not mandatory.

Sectional assistants have less overall responsibility and don't normally take a meeting without an appointed leader being present. They can contribute to planning and running some aspects of the programme. 

Training: Sectional assistants are currently only required to do the Getting Started Modules  as they contain essential information on our policies including safety, child protection etc.  These can be done online in a few hours and then validated by a quiz or something done in the normal meetings. You are also welcome to undertake first aid and other training if you wish. Online training is free, and any fees for agreed  'in person' training are covered  by the group.

Agreeing your role:  Normally a new assistant agrees their exact role with the section team, as it will vary depending on your availability and skills, and what the section needs.


Depending on the section your child is in, they may run a weekly parents rota, or ask for extra help as and when they need it. For example, if a leader is away, or we are going outdoors.

It is really helpful to have people who attend (semi)regularly and get to know the young people. If you do attend more than once a month, or overnight, we must follow the clearance procedures laid down by scout association.  Occasional helpers cannot take a meeting in the absence of a leader as they are not insured.
No training is required- but it is possible to do some if you wish, so you know the rules and perhaps gain first aid skills


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