How will you benefit from joining Scouting?
Scout Active Support allows you to contribute to the enjoyment of young people, without the need to make a regular commitment.
Being a member means you're cleared and insured to help out whenever you're able and there is a need.
perhaps you have a specific skill or adventurous activity qualification which you could use to help us?
maybe you would love to join scouting, but haven't the time to come very often and would like to help when you're free?
Maybe you could help a section if one of the regular team is sick or away?
or you're an ex-member, and could help at a summer camp?
or you've been a leader and would like to keep in touch with us, meet up with old friends and help out at occasionally ?
If so we'd love to hear from you
We'd like to run some social events for our adult team, whether that's going out together for a drink, a BBQ, or something more active.